Laxmii: 2020 (Hotstar)

Laxmi bollywood hindi movie banner

Laxmii: 2020 (Hotstar)

Last time AKSHAY KUMAR tried his tryst with HORREDY (Horror+Comedy) ..he gave a delightful "BHOOL BHULAIYA" (2007)..which was a remake of TAMIL film "CHANDRAMUKHI" (2005)..which itself was a remake of MALAYALAM film "MANICHITRATHAZHU"(1993)..

Keeping the tradition of Southern Remakes in vogue..Akshay K. brings this 2011 TAMIL film "KANCHANA" ..
RAGAHAVA LAWRENCE (actor & director in the original) forays into Hindi cinema  ..albeit some modification in the screenplay

The base of a HORROR film lies in shock value & intriguing suspense..
This film doesn't Scare you...nor the Suspense Surprise you..(you can see it coming from far away)
Comedy seems forced barring a few which evoke genuine laughter

On their visit to IN LAWS place ..Hero is possessed by a TRANSGENDER spirit ...who predictably wants revenge due to injustice meted out 
First half is light with some humour ..most of which seems forced..but keeps you hopeful
Second half takes d horror & revenge route which has been done to death..

SCREENPLAY is too convenient & predictable n repetitive at times
Weak writing adds to its woes..
Background score is a BIG DOWNER
At 141 seems too long

AKSHAY KUMAR..tries too hard but can't rise above the weak script

KIARA just a glam doll & used as a decorative piece

SHARAD KELKAR...steals the whole film in a 10 min cameo

Seasoned veterans like RAJESH SHARMA..AYESHA RAZA..MANU RISHI are completely wasted barring ASHWINI .K. who evokes some laughter

Had it clashed on EID (2020) ..this would have been a DISASTER ..