Why is it advised to never ignore networking for Film Career success?

never ignore networking for Film Career success?

Why is it advised to never ignore networking for Film Career success?

The very first thing that is taught to Business management students is networking. For a future entrepreneur or a corporate employee, it is important to network to move up the ladder. Connections with every individual in the business world are extremely important and a good relationship with both your peers and superiors open up doors of success. The very same thing is applicable if you are new to Indian film industry jobs. Given the variety of people you meet on an everyday basis in the film industry, it becomes more important to form a connection with each and everyone involved.

Networking shenanigans


The Indian film industry is extremely cutthroat. There are more than enough people for a particular job, and that includes direction, screenwriting, cinematography, and even makeup artist jobs. And networking is not just an advantage when you are starting out, you need to network and keep contacts even when you have ten jobs lined up. The tips for efficient networking works even when you are at the topmost position in the industry. Networking will get you brand deals and bigger projects. Not to forget that there is a consideration and quid pro quo involved in networking; two parties are always benefitted. You get celebrity phone numbers and the other party might receive a partnership or a new face for their work. And remember to pay your dues; offer the same hand to fresh faces who are starting out.

How to Network?


To do efficient networking, there are certain things you need to keep in mind. The first and foremost is to maintain a planner and a film industry contact directory. This will help you plan your day and not miss any important meetings. Being extremely meticulous in maintaining the meeting times and phone numbers open up doors for you.

Second, learn about the different events and parties that are happening related to the film industry. Also make sure that you get the celebrity phone numbers as well as the numbers of Producers, Agents, Directors and their assistants, Secretaries, and Casting agents. Most parties and events happen on the weekends so there will be a clash between a lot of events. Here, the most important thing for you to do is to choose which event to go to. Suppose, you are someone interested in acting, therefore, you need to choose the event which will have a lot of casting agents and directors present.

 Third, do not just depend on physical networking. In this era of everything digital, you need to tap into internal and external networking as well. LinkedIn will help you scout talent agents and directors and you can contact them directly, Instagram will help you get a good reach among your audience and this will get you attention from your required field and Facebook advertisements will help you get information about auditions and meetups happening around town. And you also have smaller networking sites like Quora and Meetup to help you as well.

Trouble in the Industry


Indian film industry jobs depend heavily on efficient networking along with your professionalism and competency. There is the added trouble of nepotism and internal politics and sometimes the jobs will be too far from your reach.

 This is where your efficient networking skills will help you out as someone among your contacts will put in a good word for you. Give your networking a good amount of commitment and create a film industry contact directory of good contacts. 



Most of the time people make a fatal mistake; they assume networking to be supreme. However, you need the talent, hard work, attitude, and competence to get ahead in the industry. The balance between networking and competence is the ultimate strategy you need to adapt to be successful in the Indian film industry.