Everything You Need To Know About Getting Job On a Movie Set

Everything you need to know about starting your film industry career

Everything You Need To Know About Getting Job On a Movie Set

Finding a job in a movie set or a film industry used to be a notoriously difficult task, but thanks to shifting cultural trends and a growing number of job opportunities, it has now become easier. With streaming services, film industry jobs and TV Crew jobs have been steadily increasing. 


But jumping into the world of film sometimes feels like the hardest decision. That's especially true for newcomers or those without industry contacts. But with the right preparation, it can be done. No matter what your goals are, there are many ways to get into TV OR film industry jobs. That's why we're providing you some tried-and-true tips on how to get a job on a movie set.


Make Your Own Films

While the traditional film industry is still a great way to make money, consider taking your career into your own hands by making your own films. By creating your own projects, you’ll be able to not only showcase your talents but you’ll also be able to find new opportunities that weren’t available to you otherwise.


Internship Programs

These days, a lot of studios and networks offer internships. They take applications for a variety of terms each year and boast internship programs. These programs span various fields, from creative development to casting. 


Use Your Personal Network

Networking is the heart of the film industry, even more so than any other field. People are always looking for people with the right experience to fill the roles they need. 


Get Experience On Set

Working on film sets is the perfect way to learn about life behind the camera — especially if you’re an aspiring director. While you're in school, search out student film sets to work on and immerse yourself in the process of creating art.


Use Online Job Sites

Keep an eye out for job boards and job search engines that specialize in the film industry. The Filmindia app boasts robust and high-quality job boards, and can be especially useful if you're looking for a job as a cameraman or editor. 



With the rise of streaming services, there are more television and film industry jobs than ever. The above points will help you understand the ways of getting a film industry job.